Sunday, July 10, 2011

Of Grubs and Miniature Beekeepers

Our little lady, Geneva Hope, has been our "farm's" mascot (pictured on our main page in the bee costume) for 2 years. It is time now to pass the costume down to baby sister, who has just turned a year old.
But that is just fine with 3 year old Geneva, for she proudly announces that she isn't a honeybee at all!
"Me a Gwub now," is what she proclaims when it is her turn to help on the 3 hives we keep by our backyard pond. 

A bee starts off as an egg, then larva, followed by pupa (which Geneva calls a grub) and ends up as an adult worker, field bee, drone, etc, but Geneva is doing it the other way around - giving up her bee costume for a "gwub one" - she does indeed look very like a little squished up larvae in her white bee suit, gloves, veil, boots that are all 4 sizes too big!

May she long enjoy being Daddy's little helper in the beeyards.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog!.. Looking forward to the next update.

    Saltcreep - From the bee board
